Take look at our

Our Loan Categories

Cita Quick Loan

If your need for cash is truly short-term and you have enough income to pay it off quickly, whether you run your own business or you’re employed, CITADELE CAPITALS can be a decent option to get a short-term quick loan as low as 10,000Naira to 2,000,0000 Naira. We've made it easy to apply for your  LOAN. Simply fill out the form below and we'll get back to you. Just another way we're making life simple.

Cita Farm Loan

Farmers have abundant lands but don’t have means of sourcing for funds to cultivate this lands, our cita farms product is mainly design for farmers to enable them have quick access to cash at a single digit interest rate, pay back conveniently during the farming process or payback at the point of harvest. We also lessen long documentation process for them to fast track their loan.

Cita Earner Loan

This loan is design and structured to fit into the salary schedule of our clients. It enables you to use your salary a security to obtain loan with us and at the same time allows you to pay back conveniently. Despite the deductions on your account we will structure a flexible repayment plan for your convenience.

Cita Auto Loan

is an advance for federal government salary earners in approved organizations to own a car with a 50% down payment and 50% financed by citadel capitals, With very little documentation they can access a car loan with a monthly repayment plan to enable them payback on time and fully own their car.

Cita Biz-Class Loan

Your business can now grow faster and more profitable with a short long term financial boost. Our product (Cita Biz Class) now avails you up to 20 million Naira to boost that business you so cherished without stress and at your convenience, with a collateral deposit, terms and condition apply.

Cita Home Loan

Trying to own a house or property? Our Cita Home product is designed to help fulfill your dream. We can acquire for you that property of your choice and design a repayment plan that you can pay back in installments conveniently and gradually have full ownership of the property.

Easy and Fast Loans

If your need for cash is truly short-term and you have enough income to pay it off quickly, then CITADELE CAPITALS can be a decent option
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Secured and Profitable Investments

While you relax, sleep or work on your passion; your money will be the one doing all the hard work and you still get paid.
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